
Categories listed below require from subscribers to have at least one EP or an album.

  • Best traditional Artist / Group
  • Best Male Artist
  • Best Female artist
  • The Jayli (Best artist of the year)
  • Best Western African Artist / Group
  • Best Central African Artist / Group
  • Best Eastern African Artist / Group
  • Best Northern African Artist / Group
  • Best Southern African Artist / Group

This category is aimed at artists or groups with at least five albums .

  • C.WaÏ Tribute

This category is aimed at new comers in the market.

  • Best Female artist revelation
  • Best Male artist revelation

The Best music producer award is for those who have produced at least five tracks.

  • Best music producer

This award is for those who have produced the choreography of at least 5 video clips or well-known productions.

  • Best choreographer

Pour le meilleur musicien, il faut être intervenu sur au moins 5 albums ou 10 singles durant sa carrière.

  • Best musician

The Best music video award is for those who have produced at least three video clip

  • Best music video

The following categories are for artists who have produced at least one album or 3 singles

  • Best female urban Artist
  • Best Male urban Artist
  • Best Variety Female Artist
  • Best Variety Male Artist
  • Best Ivorian Female urban Artist
  • Best Ivorian Male urban Artist

All appliers at eligible for this category

  • The Song of the Year
  • Best Featuring

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